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People - Tanzania

Board of Directors


Our Tanzania office employs individuals with expertise in health information systems, monitoring and evaluation, surveillance, business development and data science.

Christen Said

Christen Said

Country Representative

Christen Said has led the local UCSF office since 2011, working to build local capacity to improve the quality and use of routine HIV-related monitoring and evaluation data and to conduct HIV surveillance activities. In addition, Ms. Said has overseen the expansion of the UCSF office to include activities to strengthen and improve health information systems. Ms. Said has collaborated with local institutions to conduct integrated behavioural surveillance surveys (IBBS) among most-at-risk populations, and played a leading role in the development and launch of a master's degree program in Health Monitoring and Evaluation at a Tanzanian university, as well as the development and implementation of M&E and data management related short courses and a regional M&E journal. In addition, Ms. Said has been involved in triangulation projects, data quality assessments, the development and roll out of national data quality assessment guidelines, designing research protocols, data analysis, and dissemination of research findings.

Joel Ndayongeje

Technical Director

Mr. Ndayongeje provides ongoing support and technical expertise for a variety of surveillance activities, including bio-behavioral surveys among key populations, as well as national and regional data triangulation, Data use and Data Quality projects. He supervises planning, designing and implementation of field activities, data analysis, interpretation, and summarization of data.  He brings 26 years of experiences working in this field both inside and outside Tanzania.

Prior to joining UCSF, Mr. Ndayongeje worked for 16 years in the Ministry of Health, National AIDS Control Programme, where he was responsible for developing protocols for HIV surveillance surveys, developing monitoring systems for HIV/AIDS programs, and analyzing monitoring and evaluation and surveillance data to produce descriptive and detailed reports.

Peter Lubambi

Health Information Systems Director

Mr. Lubambi is a Health Information Management Specialist with more than 11 years of experience in Health Informatics. Mr. Lubambi has extensive experience working in Health Data Analytics, Software Development, Monitoring Evaluation & Learning, and mHealth. Prior to joining UCSF, Mr. Lubambi worked with various organizations including JSI (John Snow Inc), IntraHealth, FHI360, Jhpiego, MEDA, D-tree and University of Dar es Salaam in various capacities. Mr. Lubambi led the implementation of data management systems using DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2), oversaw mHealth implementation, and developed data visualization solutions using PowerBI. Currently, Mr. Lubambi serves as a Health Information Systems (HIS) Director. He holds a master's degree in health information management and a Bachelor of Science in computer science from the Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences and University of Dar es Salaam, respectively.

Brandina Rwihula

Finance and Operations Manager

Ms. Rwihula provides administrative, financial, and logistical support to the Global Programs office in Tanzania. She oversees overall office operations, provides technical support on financial-related activities, logistical support for field activities, and works with the San Francisco-based Global Operations Team to coordinate outsourced accounting. Ms. Rwihula has a wealth of experience in all levels of accounting experience including financial management, financial reporting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, operations, and auditing (both for profit-making and nonprofit organizations). She has over ten years’ experience in the preparation of financial statements and utilizes knowledge of accounting principles and compliance requirements for the purpose of reporting in compliance with GAAP. Ms. Rwihula is skilled in leading a team and overseeing smooth office operations, and is highly experienced in administration and human resources management. Prior to joining Global Programs, Ms. Rwihula worked in multiple roles in reputable organizations including Innovex Development Consulting Ltd, supporting overall financial activities for a Water, Sanitation and Hygiene project known as Project Clear, and supporting financial activities at Raha Liquid telecom and at Pinnacle Financial Consulting Limited.