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People - Kenya

Board of Directors

  • George Rutherford, MD - Chair
  • Jenny Liu, PhD, MPP, MA - Vice Chair
  • Payam Nahid, MD, MPH - Secretary
  • MC Gaisbauer, CPA - Treasurer
  • Winona Ward, CRA - Director
  • Richard Ayah, MBChB, PhD - Secretary
  • Sheila Macharia, MPH - Director
  • Employees

    Our Kenya offices in Nairobi and Kisumu employ individuals with expertise in health information systems, monitoring and evaluation, surveillance, business development, and finance and operations.

    Koki Kinagwi

    Koki Kinagwi, MbChB, MPH

    Country Director

    Dr. Koki Kinagwi has the overall responsibility for strategic leadership to achieve the organizational vision, mission and objectives of Global Programs-Kenya. She also works closely with the faculty of the University of California, San Francisco to obtain funding and ensure compliance to Kenya laws and regulations.

    Dr. Kinagwi worked as the chief of party for APHIAplus IMARISHA and AFYA TIMIZA, two USAID funded projects at Amref Health Africa in Kenya before joining Global Programs.

    She is a medical doctor with a master’s degree in public health from the University of Nairobi and is currently pursuing an MBA in strategic management at Kenyatta University.