Tanzania: What We Do
Health Information Systems

CTC Analytics
CTC-Analytics is a tool used to provide detailed analyses of Tanzania's HIV care and treatment data from the CTC2 database. It is designed to complement the CTC2 database with standardized queries that support deep data analysis. These analyses help facilities and above-site partners to assess HIV program performance and use their routine program data to improve the quality of services that care for and treatment clients receive at the health facility.
The tool has functions and features that support its use at the health facility level and at the above-site level. Real-time dynamic dashboards and in-built queries enable users to perform a range of analyses covering any desired time interval. The tool also supports the computation of key continuous quality improvement indicators, which are aggregated across facilities for visualization in online dashboards. CTC-Analytics is integrated with the Monthly portal, the TEPI dashboard, and the Weekly Performance Tracking dashboard.
CTC-Analytics and supporting systems are used in all regions in both Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar supporting more than 3000 facilities/users across the country.
Monthly Portal
The monthly portal provides the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) implementing partners and stakeholders with access to key HIV-related indicators to support ongoing analysis of program achievement, identification of data quality issues, and prioritization of facilities requiring technical assistance.
The portal platform aggregates data from 3104 HIV care and treatment facilities, visualizing the program’s performance on key continuous quality improvement indicators related to HIV prevention programs including HIV testing, pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and voluntary male medical circumcision (VMMC), as well as HIV care and treatment, including prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) and early infant diagnosis (EID) among HIV-exposed infants (HEI).
Monthly portal scorecards and visualizations display trends in performance and highlight gaps in service delivery. The monthly portal can be accessed by 3104 facilities as a repository of key HIV-related program data.
Weekly Performance Tracking Dashboard
The weekly performance tracking dashboard was rolled out in 2024 to bring more real-time data analysis to facility staff as well as key stakeholders supporting HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs. Its uniqueness lies in its ability to optimize the use of existing queries and platforms to track critical site-level process indicators and support near real-time facility management while prompting concrete site-level actions aimed at improving service delivery and treatment outcomes.
The dashboard is accessible via the monthly portal and complements the monthly portal's Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) indicators. The capability is also integrated into the CTC Analytics application to enable facilities to generate lists of clients captured in the process indicators, such as clients who were eligible to have an HIV viral load test done but who missed their appointment. This feature enables facilities to identify clients who have not received the required services so they can take immediate action, ultimately improving the quality of care that clients are receiving.
LIFT-UP Targeted and Enhanced Pediatric Identification (TEPI)
The TEPI (Tracking and Enhancing Pediatric Identification) Dashboard is a crucial tool designed to support the integrated, collaborative efforts of PEPFAR Tanzania and its Implementing Partners (IPs) in their mission to improve the identification of children living with HIV. This weekly dashboard enables stakeholders to monitor, evaluate, and enhance the performance of pediatric identification initiatives through near-real-time data analysis.
Key dashboard features:
Automatically pulls data from existing electronic individual-level data systems, including CTC-Analytics and the Unified Community Solution (UCS). This seamless integration ensures the data are up-to-date and reliable, allowing for efficient tracking of key process indicators.
Displays a variety of visualizations that offer insights into the performance of pediatric case identification.
Designed to monitor critical indicators related to TEPI activities, such as the number of pediatric contacts reached for index testing and their testing outcomes, the number of HIV-exposed infants who received early infant diagnosis, and the number of infants with a final HIV status, along with their HIV status. By focusing on these core indicators, stakeholders can quickly identify areas of success and areas needing improvement.
Supports monitoring of pediatric identification indicators in Mbeya, Mwanza, and Dodoma, the three regions where the TEPI initiative is being implemented.
Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe (DREAMS) Auxiliary M&E System (DAMES)
DREAMS is a PEPFAR initiative focused on reducing HIV incidence among adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) through a mix of social, economic, and biomedical interventions delivered at the community and health facility levels. To streamline the monitoring of these interventions, the DREAMS Auxiliary Monitoring & Evaluation System (DAMES) was developed, serving as a centralized data platform to track the services provided to DREAMS beneficiaries.
DAMES enables DREAMS partners to track individual-level data through a mobile application, which can be used to register beneficiaries and log each service they receive. These data are transmitted to a partner server and can be integrated into the DREAMS-Tanzania level DAMES platform. Currently, over 300 peers use the DAMES mobile app to collect real-time data in the community.
The DAMES platform includes an online dashboard that clearly visualizes program-wide DREAMS data. This dashboard allows stakeholders to view critical indicators across all DREAMS community partners in an accessible format. It is designed for IPs, the PEPFAR interagency team, government institutions such as NASHCOP and MoH, and other stakeholders. By integrating each partner's data system with the DAMES server, the platform facilitates automatic data synchronization, allowing users to visualize overall program performance, monitor outcomes across different districts and age groups, and download charts and aggregate data tables for deeper analysis. The system's design also addresses the need for standardization across implementing partners when reporting DREAMS indicators.
Ultimately, the DAMES dashboard provides critical stakeholders with a comprehensive view of program performance. It enables the monitoring of the DREAMS program's critical aspects at the individual partner level and across the broader initiative. With this system in place, the DREAMS program can leverage reliable data to make informed decisions, ensuring that the combination of interventions leads to a meaningful impact in reducing HIV incidence among AGYW.
Lab Visual Application
The Lab Visual application is a comprehensive data management and visualization tool designed to enhance laboratory operations and data utilization, mainly focusing on HIV Viral Load (HVL) and Early Infant Diagnosis (EID) data.
The primary objectives are to improve data utilization within laboratories to enhance data quality and service delivery and to improve the understanding of HVL and EID data among laboratory staff. The application utilizes the existing laboratory information system data to visualize informative Lab CQI indicators, including sample reception, testing trends, turnaround time, testing quality, commodity management, and equipment uptime.
The application offers a range of features to support laboratory management and decision-making: a sliding dashboard displaying analyses of key HVL and EID data, an Interactive Dashboard and Custom Reports, and a data management tab to flag data quality issues within the source laboratory information system.
It is active in seven laboratories across Tanzania and will be deployed to more laboratories by 2024.